Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Chemical Romance Day: 11/18/'10

A Little Introduction
Since the tender age of twelve, I have been an undying fan of the great My Chemical Romance. Prior to the event I’m going to discuss in this entry, I’d seen the band live but once and that was in 2007 on their tour for The Black Parade album. I was fourteen years of age then. That concert was energetic, flawless, and just all around great. If memory serves, they ran through the entire album PLUS performing some songs from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. That made me exceedingly happy. Seeing them live made me happy, even if I was too short to see over the tall bastards in front of me. I was so overcome that I actually cried the next night when I was alone and not a soul was around to see me in all my pathetic amazement.
One can imagine my readiness and excitement when one of my best friends told me about their performance on Jimmy Kimmel in promotion for their new album, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys and the meet and greet at Hot Topic. I had yet to meet them and it was always on my list of things to do before I die.

The Show/Performance/Concert/What Have You
When the night finally came, I was so ready to go that I nearly sprouted wings and flew down to Hollywood. We waited in line for about, four or five hours to see the show. If that’s not dedication (and painful) then I don’t know what in the hell is. After almost not being admitted into the show (due to my not having I.D. on me and it’s none of your business how I slightly illegally got in), I was standing amidst a crowd of fellow My Chemical Romance fans just as excited as I was for the charming men to take the stage.
The boys of My Chem (minus Bob Bryar of course, whom I believe should still be in the band because I love him) opened the performance with the punchy and energetic, "Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na).” It was the song that was going to be aired for the Jimmy Kimmel Show. The crowd enjoyed it; I enjoyed it; my cramping foot and calf enjoyed it. The next song they performed, which was going to play through the credits, was “SING.” I have to say, hearing them perform that song in person, amidst a crowd of fellow MCR fans, is definitely an emotional experience. The song is stuffed with raw emotion and a strong message. It makes one appreciate it much more. Afterward, being fully in control of the show now, the band decided to play another new one off the anticipated album—“The Kids from Yesterday.” Yet another song stuffed with raw emotion and one enjoyed by the crowd, myself, and my tortured muscles. The band was playing flawlessly and appeared to be having an excellent time, indeed.
Then, to mine and the crowd’s absolute delight, they decided to play a couple songs off of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. First, they played “I’m Not Okay (I Promise),” which had me wanting to tear out my hair from glee. All of us MCR fans screamed, yelled, sang the words the song that undoubtedly spoke to our very hearts and souls at one time or another. It was delivered in that old, Three Cheers MCR way, blanketing us all with a sense of nostalgia. Afterward, they proceeded to play “Helena,” which was very emotional for me and spoke to me so much due to two recent deaths in my family this past September and October. The crowd and myself sang along to the song. Mr. Gerard Way led us through the usual “Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa” bit he always does during the live performances of that song. I took it all in; I let myself be enraptured by the music, the words, the everything (CHEEEEESY). It was definitely a beautiful performance by the band.
I must admit, my memory is a wee bit fuzzy. We cheered them out for an encore performance and they delivered, which was just so great of them. But I can’t remember if their encore performance was the “Helena” one or if they performed “The Only Hope for Me Is You.” It borders on blasphemy for me to not know, haha. But regardless, it was a good show in its entirety. The band never exhibits any signs of fatigue and, I must say, Ray Toro never ceases to amaze me with his ability to shred and rock out at the same time. It inspires me so. If I could do that, I’d definitely be less of a bitter human being =]

Waiting for the Meet and Greet
The line was absolutely ungodly, let me just tell you that much. And because of my undying refusal to wear jackets and sweaters, and even bring any with me when I venture out anywhere, I was freezing outside in Hollywood on a November night. I decided to sit down and lean against the friendly forklift. I sat in a little puddle of God-only-knows-what; but I didn’t put too much thought into it. When the time came to meet My Chemical Romance, surely they weren’t going to be looking at my ass. And if anyone else wanted to, well then let the splotch of whatever I sat in serve as a lesson to not make the attempt for comfort when you’ve been standing for hours on end.
Across the street in the hotel, we all spotted the boys of My Chem walking by the window. People began to cheer and such. Color me pessimistic, but all I could think was, Who the hell cares? They’re late for the meet and greet! But I digress.
Despite the long wait, it wasn’t a dull one or one that I necessarily would have tried to speed up. I met some very great people during the wait and had an excellent bonding experience with them. Granted, when you’ve been waiting in line for an extra two, three hours, you really don’t have anything to do but to share your life story with a couple of complete strangers, and to listen to theirs. One young man in particular with whom I was sitting and bonding in the cold is actually the bassist or drummer (my memory is just awesome, isn’t it?) to an up-and-coming band called Quote the Raven. Definitely check out the band for they’re very good. When typing the name in for their MySpace page, be sure to put “/QTR” as opposed to “/Quotetheraven.” It was his birthday that day. 

After a long wait, it was my time to meet MCR. I got up to the booth in Hot Topic, waiting for the guy in front of me to finish getting his poster signed. Ray Toro was no more than five feet away from me, if even that much. I was ecstatic. Frankie Iero looked over at me and smiled; I returned the gesture before turning to my best friend and quietly cursing in excitement. Then, it was my turn to go up. Ray Toro shook my hand and Frankie leaned over and shook my hand too. While Ray was signing my poster, I told him and Frankie that they inspire me to play guitar. They looked, and sounded, really happy about that. Frankie jokingly said, “I hope you’re good!” Ray asked me what kind of guitar I play and what I play so I told him and Frankie. After Frankie signed my poster, he shook my hand again (something else about which I cursed excitedly to my friend when we exited Hot Topic). Then I moved to Mikey and Gerard. They both shook my hand and I told them that they inspire me. Mikey smiled and thanked me. In a serious tone, Gerard said, “Thank you for saying that.” They both signed my poster and I was out. My conversation with Frankie and Ray definitely was my favorite.
I can now cross meeting the boys off of my list of things to do before I get buried in a box, six feet under. I can now die a happy woman. Very lovely and sweet group of men, they are. I still wish Bob could still be in the band and that I could have met him, but let us not split hairs here.

After almost stepping into a puddle of someone’s vomit when leaving, and screaming like a little girl at the sight of it, my night was finished.

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